It took 4 years, 1 miscarriage, 2 cancelled IVFs, 1 failed FET and a whole team of specialists but, here we are. Pregnant. Our story of the transition between infertility to pregnancy and all the fun bits in-between
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Mothers Day
I've calculated that this is our third Mother's Day since we started TTC, and that we're 3 months away from 4 years. But to be quite honest, I've stopped counting. I got a big card and purple flowers from the cats (really!) and while Marts goes to visit MIL et al, I'll be sat at home nursing the worst AF cramps I've had in a while.
To everyone else it's Mother's Day, to me, it's CD1 of our FET :)
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
FER round One
To call it a nurse consultation would be a bit far fetched... We walked into a room, the nurse asked of I had 'normal' cycles and ovulated, then when I said yes informed us we would be doing natural cycle FER and that was about it!
We wait for AF to arrive (in around 2 days as I've stopped my pills today) then we can the clinical and they do nothing until day 11. No injections. No scans. No daily phone calls. Just go in few days before natural ovulation so they can check my follies, wait to see when one is about the right size and take bloods. Use bloods to show my LH surge and then check again the next day to see if ovulation has occurred (so 1dpo follows) or if it will occur the following day. Then they defrost the embies and replace them on the day they were frozen. So one day5 blast will be joining us 5 days after ovulation is detected. No further drugs, no more tests, just let the body do what it natural does and hope the little one sticks.
I feel like I should be doing more?!
Excited. Nervous. Excited. Nervous. Excited. Nervous.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
26th March already?!!!
It's our FER consultation tomorrow afternoon. Can you believe it's been 5 weeks since we had the trauma of egg collection and subsequent OHSS?!
I have successfully managed to delay AF, and I called the clinic this afternoon to ask how soon after our consultation we could start treatment. They said my first period after, whether that was the day after consultation or the week after. So I guess, unless AF arrives tonight...we're starting our frozen cycle next week.
I have 4 weeks to achieve my life goal of getting pregnant at 25....
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
I've been quiet lately...
For no particular reason other than work and sleep has taken over. Work is really busy currently, medical exams going on for all years so plenty of need for my student support expertise. Despite the business, I still love my job. Remember how much I hated my old job?! I spoke with my new manager today and he's very supportive of helping me move up the ranks. I'be signed up to a training programme called 'Springboard' which is management training especially for woman. He even encouraged me to look into masters and PG Cert courses to further my career. Makes a nice change!
It's now 3 weeks until our FER appointment, and I have my progesterone pill to delay AF for a max of 17 days. This means when we have our appointment AF COULD be due either the week after or 2 weeks after, fingers tightly crossed we can start then. This means transfer will be just before we jet off to Poland for my birthday, so that should take my mind off of it. However, knowing our luck. I do have a juggling feeling they "won't be able to fit is in" two weeks after our appointment and we'll end up waiting until may anyway... I miss my snowflakes! They're SO far away!
In other news, Martins cousin is pregnant again (the one who intentionally tried to miscarry her second she didn't want) I don't know what makes me angrier. The fact she's pregnant and doesn't deserve it, or the fact she's 22 weeks and I had to find out from a Facebook update?!
Sorry for the dull update. My life is quite dull currently and I'm still struggling slightly with my babies (I know they're not babies, but they are!) being kept so far from me :(
Second acupuncture appointment on Monday, she is so good! I love acupuncture!! I spent the rest of the day trying not to fall asleep! I recommend to anyone!
P.s Jess I can't read your blog! I need a birth story pronto! Welcome to the world little Connor!
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