Wednesday, 26 March 2014

FER round One

To call it a nurse consultation would be a bit far fetched... We walked into a room, the nurse asked of I had 'normal' cycles and ovulated, then when I said yes informed us we would be doing natural cycle FER and that was about it! We wait for AF to arrive (in around 2 days as I've stopped my pills today) then we can the clinical and they do nothing until day 11. No injections. No scans. No daily phone calls. Just go in few days before natural ovulation so they can check my follies, wait to see when one is about the right size and take bloods. Use bloods to show my LH surge and then check again the next day to see if ovulation has occurred (so 1dpo follows) or if it will occur the following day. Then they defrost the embies and replace them on the day they were frozen. So one day5 blast will be joining us 5 days after ovulation is detected. No further drugs, no more tests, just let the body do what it natural does and hope the little one sticks. I feel like I should be doing more?! Excited. Nervous. Excited. Nervous. Excited. Nervous.


  1. I think it's awesome that they're going to try a natural cycle! I think that massive amounts of hormones is a detriment. Yay! So excited for you! Come on embie!

  2. It also feels like it's not 'treatment' without any drugs?! Let's hope that our infertility is due to something BEFORE fertilisation, and with an embie on board it'll be smooth sailing.

    I still can't see your blog..I'm missing out on my regular updates!
