Saturday, 6 December 2014

I'm having a baby

In a few short weeks. Jesus fucking Christ

This is the sudden realisation I had yesterday when making plans at work for the new year and it was pointed out to me by a colleague that I wouldn't be there.

So far I've been blissfully plodding along with my growing belly, getting to know his habits and that he likes warm baths and is already a Taylor Swift fan. Giving birth and having a son have always seemed like so far away - except it isn't. In 6 weeks he will be fully grown and could potentially come at any time from then.

The nursery isn't decorated. The cot hasn't been assembled. The pram is still waiting to be put together and I don't even have a hospital bag or practical things like maternity pads and breast pads.

Can I stop time and just have a little longer to try and pull myself together before he arrives please?


  1. My god 6 weeks! Wowser Stephie. I bet you can't wait to hold him in your arms though, you've waited so long for this. Xxx

  2. Well, we're nearing 31 and with full term at 37 and midwife has told us to prepare for him anytime from then.😱
