Monday, 20 August 2012

Back to square one...


Come estas?

I am back again, quite soon for me really looking at the dates. I'm getting better, or bored at work, either one you want to go for will work.

Martin and I are now officially on a TTC break until October 15th. Sob. Well actually no, not sob, a break from it all will do us good. But it's not our choice to have a break!

As you have read, as well as my infertility I like to suffer from a plethora of medical problems and keep doctors busy, so I also have my heart condition and stomach ulcers, as well as slightly arthritic joints. Yay for me!

Anyway, in the midst of my medical drama which I ranted on and on about in my last post, I had to go back to the GP for another problem, stomach ulcers. These things are actually ruining my life, I'm not even being dramatic. Imagine not being able to eat a single thing, or drink water, because everything that goes into your stomach causes agonising pain? But of corse, you can't not eat, so you have to eat small meals, knowing full well it's going to cause you a great deal of pain, and the only way to stop the pain is to throw up the food you've eaten to satisfy the hunger in the first place. Nice eh?

Well it had been a massive 49days since I had last eaten a full meal and kept it down, so I went back to the GP to beg them to give me some sort of drug to stop it (at this stage I just wanted them to cut me open and take it all out!) so the doctor talked to me about my colourful medical files, how was my heart, how was my TTC coming along, what stage was I at etc.... then prescribed me a tablet called domperidone.

Now domperidone was amazing. It worked. I ate a meal, no pain, not even a slight gurgle, I could go out and eat again and not worry about how I was going to throw up in a public toilet!! HURRAH!

3 weeks of domperidone and I had only had a few bad days, this also coincides with my clomid days, so I was like a walking pill box for a while. It was only after taking my last clomid tablet, that I decided to read just HOW domperidone works, this is what I stumbled across...

"...Domperidone increases levels of prolactin in the body, causing amenorrhoea due to lack of ovulation.."

So...I'm shoving clomid down my throat to ovulate some damn good eggs, then I shove domperidone down my throat which is doing everything in its power to stop the clomid doing what its supposed to be doing. So our very last shot of using clomid is now down the pan, and we were left with the difficult decision of 1) Do I stop taking the tablets, hope the clomid works and carry on TTC, but then have the stomach problems or 2) Carry on taking the tablets, hope they sort the stomach out, and take a break from TTC until our next FS appointment on October 15th.

We went with option 2. As Martin bluntly put it to me "with your stomach, are you in any fit state to be pregnant" Answer? No.

But on the bright side, now we can enjoy just being us again, and not have to worry about how fertile I am that particular day, and we also finally have a FS appointment to look forward to. Bring on IVF!


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