Wednesday, 13 March 2013


I had my hospital appointment with the upper GI specilist on Monday. It was as I expected. A female doctor/surgeon practically ran into the room, still dressed for theatre, spoke with me about my symptoms for 5 minutes and said there was nothing she could do until I has another gastroscopy carried out. Great. The waiting list for gastroscopies is around 5 weeks, so I left there feeling very deflated, in pain and frankly more than a little upset.

Luckily, I decided to try taking IBS medication this weekend, as I read online it can help to calm down the spasms the stomach goes into when you're having an ulcer attack. Even though I don't suffer from IBS, the medication is working great! I can eat now, and I haven't had to induce vomiting for the past 4 days. This is great!

I just recieved a phone call saying they have had a last minute cancellation and can do an gastroscopy THIS FRIDAY, as in not tomorrow, the day after! Im more than thrilled! It's taken me 3 months to get a 5 minute appointment, and 4 days to get an appointment for a preocedure to be carried out. Only 2 problems with this;

 1) we're handing the keys of our old home back to the landlord at 12.30pm on Friday, my appointment is at 2.30pm, so need to ask them nicely to move that forward.

2) As of this moment I am not allowed to take any medication for my stomach what so ever. Sob. Although, in reality you are supposed to stop medication for 10 days before a gastroscopy, which would be living hell, but the nurse assured me that given I'm still in pain, two days without medication will be enough for the doctor to get a decent idea of whats going on. Hello again vomiting! But I don't care, after 3 months I can cope with the pain for 2 more days!

In other news - For some reason this month we have actively TTC. Maybe it's because it's the month before IUI so it's sort of our last chance, or maybe it's because i made the mistake of buying OPKS? I didn't do OPKs but as my cycles are so regular I know I was due to ovulate yesterday, Sunday night we had the best sex we had had in a while. You know the full on passionate-i-need-you-right-now kinda of sex. Then both collapsed and fell asleep with me still propped up on a pillow (I'm also positive NOTHING came back out, at all..I don't know where it went or what its doing, but it didn't make a reappearence after sex...)

Anyway, yesterday I had cramps so awfully bad I had to sit down and take a double dose of paracetamol. My legs were in pain the cramps were so bad - had I not have been CD17 I would have been awaiting AF. Anyway, I got home that night and did an OPK and sure enough it was as negative and negative can be, not even a hint of a second line, which only ever happens the day after I usually get a +OPK. So I think I can safely assume I ovulated between 3-5pm yesterday afternoon (specific hey!) which was around 17hours after out marathon sex session. I don't even know why I'm hoping - come 26th March I will be back here complaining of AF cramps!



  1. Thank the heavens, that they put you medicine and you can eat!! This calls for celebration!

    Good luck with the upcoming gastroscopy. I'd also tell work to stick it as you will be needing time off for recovery.

  2. Yay for cancellations!!! I hope they are able to come up with some sort of diagnosis. Hang in there lady.

    Love the passionate sex! It's always missing from LTTC. I hope that was the missing ingredient!
