Monday, 9 December 2013

Life is full of surprises

I have been panicking so much about work and IVF that I've barely slept all weekend. After waking up this morning, having only slept 60-90mins at a time, I decided enough was enough and I HAD to get it off my chest before I made myself poorly.

I walked into the office at 8.45 and after taking off my coat and loading up my computer, strolled over to my bosses desk and asked if she had a minute so I could chat with her about something. Off we went to the private office and I explained that we had been TTC for, nearing 4 years, IVF was now our only option and we were due to begin in February (I told a little white lie and said I didn't know until this weekend)

...and after all my panic? My stand in manager is just starting her first cycle of IVF and was actually having her baseline bloods taken this morning before coming into work.

I can take as much time as I need, and she's given me her mobile number so I can let her know about my absence at short notice. She explained these were hospital appointments, so I wouldn't be expected to use any of my holiday entitlement and to take time to deal with the psychological, as well as physical aspects of treatment. I told her I was hoping to take as little time off as possible, and she said I would need at least a week after my EC as she wouldn't expect me to travel in after that.

Massive relief is an understatement.


  1. Thats awesome news! See things will work out!

    I must be hormonal - reading both your blogs together made me tear up! I'm a bit twot! Lol

    Bex x

  2. Get out of here!!!!

    Bex, it made me tear up too!

    Eek, I'm am so incredibly happy for you. I have a huge smile on my face. My dogs must think I'm nuts.

  3. It is unfortunate she has to endure IF as well, but thank goodness she understands!!
