Thursday, 24 July 2014

Being sick and pregnant sucks

Without sounding too dramatic, at the minute I feel sicker than I have done in a very long time, including my gallbladder saga.

I don't mean pregnant sick either, at 11 weeks my morning sickness has actually eased up and I'm feeling pretty good. My boobs have also stopped hurting so much (OK, I admit I have spent hours panicking a googling) but I've been told this is normal when moving towards the second trimester. It appears we're in the awful period between first trimester symptoms settling and second trimester movements beginning - and it could still be another 2-3 weeks until our scan date. I sense a few nervous days coming up..

Anyway, on Sunday I started feeling a little under the weather and figured I was coming down with a cold, my chest was scratchy and my nose was runny, I felt worse Monday morning so had a sick day from work to try and recover. I spent most the day with tissues stuffed up my nose and feeling a little sorry for myself but I did OK. Tuesday I woke up and, to my surprise, didn't feel better, actually I felt worse. Achy muscles, head ache etc... Which gradually got worse and worse during the day rendering me completely useless on the sofa. At this stage I decided to take paracetamol to try and ease some discomfort. Then yesterday happened. It started off OK, I woke up coughing and sneezing with severe sinus pain so self diagnosed with sinusitus/sinus infection - I know these are common in pregnancy so I just had to suck it up. I was drinking plenty fluids and taking paracetamol but my temperature just kept rising - when it jumped from 98.2 to 99.5 in an hour Martin called the midwife to see what she recommended, she was very reassuring and said it was nothing to do with the pregnancy given my other symptoms and I was fine to carry on taking paracetamol and drinking plenty of fluids, our only job was to keep my temperature down.

Last night was one of the worst nights ever - even with a fan on in the room and ice cubes on my head my temperature quickly jumped to 100.9 and at this point the thermometer tells you something is wrong. I could sleep, I couldn't get comfortable, my head hurts, my arms hurt, and when I do fall asleep I kept having those horrible sick-dreams - you know the ones where you keep going round and round in crocked and not getting anywhere and waking up confused and burning up.

I stayed awake from 3.20-7.20 trying to cool down and finally drifted off a few hours ago. I woke up and my temp has dropped to 98.9 which is great but I feel dreadful. Absolutely no energy and can barely lift my head off the pillow. The doctors say there's not much they can give a pregnant woman for sinusitus so keep taking paracetamol and fluids and sleep it off as much as I can. Great. So as well as my constantly stinging nostrils and blood I keep sneezing I've got to try and fit in as much sleep as I can.

Little one you're super powers better kick in soon and make me better!

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