Wednesday, 9 July 2014

I think the NHS have a vendetta against me...

I had a weird phone call from an unknown number while I was sat at my desk today but picked it up hoping it would be the midwife. It wasn't. It was the receptionist from the GP surgery who confirmed my name and then said "Are you under the care of a midwife?" I said "no, but you sent a referral off for me last week and I haven't heard anything. When will they be in touch?" She put me on hold and then came back with "oh they don't normally get in touch until around 6-7 weeks" I was confused but was surrounded by colleagues who don't know about the pregnancy so couldn't really talk so I couldn't push it. I hung up the phone and called her back when I went for my lunch.

Well, I explained that I am 9 weeks tomorrow and so far I have no midwife of any antenatal care to speak of, the receptionist told me I wouldn't need an appointment until 12 weeks. Idiot. I then explained that I understood the first SCAN was at 12 weeks, but I needed to be under the care of a midwife before that and be 'checked in' to a maternity centre of a hospital, which hadn't happened.

After a few telephone calls backwards and forwards it transpires that the reason I haven't heard from the midwife is being the useless dippy bint of a receptionist last week didn't send my referral form to the midwife at all, so they had absolutely no idea I existed.

That's now our IVF referral, my gallbladder surgery referral and now this that have all not been sent first time.

I foresee this being a long a gruelling 9 months..

In other news private scan isn't booked as we can't get one which works around our work schedules. Martin has started a new job and can't take time off at short notice so I'm just going to have to sit tight until the NHS decide to treat me to a peek inside. Until then I'll try and believe I'm one of the lucky ones who has a completely straight forward pregnancy with no bad bits. There's a few of these mystical creatures on the interweb!

1 comment:

  1. Straight forward pregnancy is good! You're due for a break. :) If it makes you feel better, the system is just as shit in Canada.
