Thursday, 31 July 2014

Hello second trimester (....depending on where you look)

12 weeks today!

Two pregnancy apps congratulated me on being in the second trimester and the other told me I was in the last week of my first trimester. Whether it's first or second we reached 12 weeks which I class as a cause for celebration.

We had out NT scan yesterday, this little wriggly bmi wouldn't keep still and it took the ultrasound lady an age to actually pin point the fold. I had to roll over to get him/her to move and then everytime she put the wand on my belly he/she rolled over. She then made me go and empty my bladder to see of that helped, well it didn't, and when we got back baby was now facing us...eventually she pinned them down long enough to get a measurement which is 1.2mm. We were told that was well below the 'risk range' of 3mm, but as we had the combined test we have to wait until they've for the blood results for a real result. I'm not too worried though I have to admit.

In 4 days baby Briggs had grown a full centimetre and looks different already!

Two little hands in front of their face.

Belly is definitely growing...but I'm still in the awkward pregnant or fat stage. Going to a school friends wedding tomorrow night and have just had to buy a brand new maternity dress for the occasion. Why are all maternity clothes so frumpy?!


  1. So cute. Pleased it went well hun

  2. If you got your NT scan, you're in second tri, I'd say! Yaaay!
