Monday, 13 October 2014

Fetal Echo

Was perfect. All chambers, arteries and blood flow as it should be. Little guy was as fidgety as usual and kept moving just as the sonographer wanted to take a photo of his heart. In the end it took lady to hold the probe and follow baby as he moved and another to take the photos. 

I've been slightly worried about him the past few days as he's been quiet kick wise but this certainly eased my mind. The minute any probe or doppler is put on him he kicks it away, I don't know if he hates it or is playing with it?! 


  1. Awesome news, you've been in my thoughts all day xx

  2. Sweeeet! Smooth sailing now, right? Cannot believe how far along you are!

  3. Thank you both :)

    I can't believe it either Jess. 14 weeks til term!

  4. The Doppler is very easy to use and is also completely safe at the same time. There is no direct contact between the baby and the fetal Doppler which makes it very safe to use.fetal doppler reviews
