Thursday, 6 November 2014

The saga continues...

26 weeks today and I've just been diagnosed as having gestational diabetes.


Not bad to say last week my MW wanted to cancel my GTT as my original BMI calculation was wrong so I wasn't 'at risk'. I decided I'd go through with it anyway as I had nothing to loose and it looks like it's a good job I did.

A week of blood sugar monitoring to come before they decide if it can be diet controlled or needs insulin. Even more needles, fun. Interestingly I've read that there is a link between IVF babies and GD.

No more chocolate for us little man. CHRISTMAS WITHOUT CHOCOLATE?!!

In other news we're down to 98 day to go, where is this pregnancy going?!


  1. See, I swear IVF hormones increase risk of diabetes.

    Can I tell you my secret of getting by with a sweet? I used to take a walk right after my chocolate bar, that way when I had to do my sugars it was within range, lol.

  2. Fx for you hun hat everything works out and you don't need insulin x

  3. Thanks ladies <3

    I'm hoping I don't need insulin but a couple more needles won't be too bad.

    I'll remember the walking tip, especially around Christmas ;)
