Sunday, 11 August 2013

Expelleth thy spawn! ©

Some of you may, or may not, remember a "friend" of mine, one who I used to be really close to and discuss IF with openly and regularly, getting pregnant. I never ever held this against her, and her pregnancy is not the reason why I refuse to give her the time of day - The 12 week scan picture on my news feed, completely and utterly out of the blue, followed by her message, after me congratulating her, stating "oh, sorry I didn't tell you, I knew there was something I was meant to do. Pregnancy brain. Lol!" the reason I won't make time for her anymore. Harsh, maybe. But there are too many bullshit 'friends' around and not enough time or space in my life for them. I have a very tough one strike and your out policy.

Martin and I, understandably, have had a few baby names picked out for the past 40+ months. Many of them change, but we've had 2 boys names that we have loved since day one, since before we even started TTC. So imagine my utter joy when I am informed this morning that aforementioned "friend" has given birth, on our supposed IVF test date, and has given him one of the names we loved so dearly. She was one of the only people who knew of 'our names'.

Yes, I know that there are millions of babies and people in the world with this name, but that isn't the point.

If anyone crosses me over the next few days, they will be feeling my wrath.


  1. I hope you've at least unsubscribed to her feed! Pregnancy brain. Moron.

    And I am a firm believer in friends stealing names! My good girlfriend knew I wanted to name my kid Maya and named her Kaja (same pronunciation!).

    We need to learn to keep our mouths shut, I tells ya.

    Also, I've thought about future titles:

    Kiss my British A$$
    A punch in the boobs
    Sew that vagina shut
    Expelleth thy spawn

    That's on a whim, I'm sure I can come up with more. ;)

  2. Expelleth thy spawn is the best one yet! Definitely my next blog post title, haha! Thanks for those Jess!

    Urgh, what is wrong with these women?! They're are MILLIONS of names and millions if babies, all I want is one of each, and they have to steal them?!

  3. And millions of dates to give birth on. What an utter wankbag! I'm so sorry karma seems to have got her people mixed up. You deserve so much better than the crap that's happening xxx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I've heard that too! I think that twatt means something?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. They both have lips....

      badum ching!

  5. Haha! No twat is definitely used in the same way that you use twat in North America! My grandparents will often use the word 'twit' (there's even a children's book called The Twits!) but would die before ever uttering the word twat!

    Although when I lived in Albany it took me a while to realise that when my friends would say "twot" they were actually saying "twAt".

    Interesting fact if the day - TWAT was the first swear word I ever said in front my my parents, my mum actually poured soap in my mouth and I was grounded for weeks!

  6. While we're on the topic...whilst living in America my American friends would often have a sudden look or horror on their faces at random points in conversations between me and my British friend, who was from the same part of England.

    See, in the Yorkshire dialect where we were from, we have a weird word shortening thing. Wouldn't is pronounced "wunt", doesnt is pronounced "dunt" ask logically couldn't is pronounced "cunt".

    You will regularly hear me, my friends, small children say sentences such as "no you cunt" or "I cunt do it!"....
