Monday, 11 November 2013

The countdown

Just out if our baby doctor appointment. Did I mention we love our doctor? She laughed and gasped and comforted at all the correct points while I was relaying our gallstone drama. She said "imagine the diagnostic nightmare we would have had if your gallbladder had gone after you had triggered! We'd be thinking OHSS they'd be testing everything else " (I never thought of that!)

Anyway...IVF 1.5 is booked in and we're ready to go week beginning 3rd February 2014. That's 2 AFs away and gives me a good amount of time to tell my new manager about treatment. There's no way they can for a woman just for doing IVF, is there?

February 2014 it is!


  1. Great news.

    Fingers crossed for Feb.

    Bex x

  2. Yay!!!! Can't wait to read all about it! I'm so ready to dispense any advice you need and send any juju you need.


  3. Thank you!! Now I can forget all about baby making and stupid infertility for the remainder of this blasted year!!

    Jess, you can send me the juju you used, if you have some left over? I want to know what you ate, what you wore, what you did, how often you peed etc.....;) xx
