I survived, despite thinking my heart was going to beat out of my chest at any minute. What is wrong with me?!?!
Anyway, we signed the paperwork and a few things have changed at the clinic. 1) they don't use sleeping tablets the night before egg retrieval anymore and 2) you ate automatically IVF/ICSI depending on what's needed on the day. Previously you were IVF and if things didn't go to plan, they wouldn't necessarily automatically transfer to ICSI straight away, now they do.
Our nurse was another lovely lady, heavily pregnant and failing to hide it under huge scrubs, but she was really nice and down to earth. I was brave and asked her to be brutally honest about my chances with clamping and my cervix. She agreed I have an awkward cervix, but also said she had seen much much worse get positive pregnancy results, although my cervix is septate and bendy, with the clamp (which might not need to be used on the day, depending on how my body is acting) it actually only took the doctor 4 minutes to get the catheter through and they were then able to reach the perfect 'embryo deposit' spot. She said they would only worry if it took an excessive amount of time and manipulation and they couldn't reach where they wanted to.They also noted very little bleeding, and I actually only remember spotting extremely lightly for about half an hour afterwards. She told me I need to stop researching and reading and just relax and let the doctors do what they do best, which is make babies :) I do feel better now.
We had our bloods taken for another screen and now we just have to wait! 2 weeks and AF should be here and we start all over again!
Dude, 4 minutes and little bleeding is great! It's the extreme trauma, I was told, that affects the outcome. Sounds like they've researched your case really well. I love that! I have a good feeling! I don't see why they wouldn't get a good number of eggs as well, especially with ICSI. In the US, they've started using ICSI as a standard in all IVFs.