Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Blog recommendation

While trying to find the phone number for the counsellor at our clinic, google presented me with a link to some blog called "The Infertility Therapist".

I've only read a few posts so far, but felt so strongly about it I needed to write here immediately and recommend it to my friends. The background is this lady struggled with infertility, and also happens to be an infertility counsellor. She now has 3 children (I know one was through FET) and she blogs from both points of view. An infertile woman yet to have children, an infertile woman who is now pregnant, and an infertile parent (oxymoron, but I think thats a good description)

This particular post was very fitting for me at the moment, and discusses 'fertility envy' and the break down of relationships between friends and family when fertile and infertile come together.


Worth a read. I shall be spending the afternoon reading through this and maybe learning a thing or two.

I know I'm going through a tough time at the moment, but the following post reduced me to tears in my office


p.s to all my friends, I apologies profusely for my lack of contact and general shit-ness at responding to texts or PMs. I wish I had an excuse, I'm just sorting myself out and normal service will, hopefully, resume shortly. x

1 comment:

  1. That second entry hit me. I wish I had read that back in February. You do focus on the bad side of failed treatment or the neverending wait for treatment. You never look at how brave you are, how strong you are. Stronger than so many women out there.

