Thursday, 26 September 2013


Liar liar pants on fire! No surgery date...made you read though :) 

Still plodding on. AF arrived 5 days early with some sort of fiery vengenace, on the plus side it means my fertile week this month will be holiday week. Hurrah! Even though I'm not doing OPKs are anything like that, holidays means guaranteed sex so there is no pressure. 

I had my counselling session yesterday and have been 'prescribed' a book as homework before my next appointment, I was thinking my holiday reading would be something easy and light hearted, but instead I will be getting stuck into my new copy of 'Conquering Infertility'. I'm sure I'll get some dodgy looks on the beach with that one!! 

I told the counsellor yesterday that nothing frustrates me more than when people don't acknowledge the possibly of there never being a 'happy ending' to our journey. Like "Oh you WILL get there eventually" or "When you have a family you'll forget all about this" (Ha, yeah right!) and she raised her eyebrows and said it was very unusual for her to actually have a patient acknowledge that not everyone does get a happy ending, and most of her time is spent discussing the need for an alternative plan with couples, and she believe it very healthy for me to have this frame of mind. Wasn't what I was expecting!

I'm in an OK mood today, 13 days until Tunisia which means I can start seeing the weather forecast for our first day !!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You bugger, I was all excited about a date!

    I loved my e-reader for reading those self-help books! No train train ride while reading infertility books, lol.

    Yay for the holidays! Sex, sleep, reading, eating, pooping. Perfect.

  3. I plan on indulging in lots of these activities Jess! In fact the main aim of my weight loss over the past month or so, has purely been so when I'm on holiday I can enjoy putting it all back on ;)

    I do love my kindle reader, but I'm going all big and brave with a physical book. Maybe, in a weird way, it'll make some people speak to infertiles like to lurk in most places!
