Monday, 19 May 2014


So I never got round to updating on Saturday.

I called the clinic at 2pm and was prepared for an answer either way, alas, I never got one.

Blood tests were inconclusive. Oestrogen was on the low side, but not low enough for them to cancel the cycle due to lack of ovulation. They weren't high enough to indicate ovulation was definitely going to occur either. So I'm back tomorrow for a scan to see whats going on, if the follicle has grown then it's a late bloomer if it hasn't it's rolled over and gone back to sleep.

You know this is all my fault. It was suggested to me that vitamin B12 helps to improve quality, which it does! But doofus over here decided to buy vitamin B complex to take while I was waiting for my B12 patches to be delivered...this vitamin B complex contained 143% RDA of vitamin B6, vitamin B6 that is well documented to delay or even stop ovulation all together... here is just one of the HUNDREDS of stories of woman taking B6 to delay ovulation

I stopped taking it 5 days ago so lets hope this egg is growing!


  1. Fingers crossed. I never knew that about B6 x

  2. I had taken a B complex for a while as well and learned the same thing. Just tells you how far we'd go to have some success. No one is at fault except ... Our bodies?!
