Thursday, 1 May 2014

Cycle Day 1 - FET numero dos

At least AF is as punctual as ever, announcing her arrival shortly after arriving home from my blood tests. I told the nurse I had cheated and knew it was negative, she seemed almost shocked. As if I was the only woman to do so. I need to call at 1.30pm for the result, although at this point it almost seems cruel.

Two things that added to the misery of this morning;

1) Arriving at the reception desk at the clinic and waiting while the lady in front was dealt with. The receptionist seemed to be struggling to locate her details, and since I'm very nosey and the clinic is very quiet, I could hear everything that was being said.

Receptionist: "I really can't find you. What's your date of birth?"
Woman: "26.12.81"
Receptionist: "Nope. What is it you're here for again, bloods?"
Woman: "No. My 12 week scan"
Receptionist: "This is the IVF clinic...."
Woman: "Oh! Right, no I definitely don't need that"
Receptionist: "Well I think you better go next door to the pregnancy clinic"

2) Sitting in the waiting room and realising that sitting next to us is a toddler. I'd say he was around 1-2 years old, sat on his Mums knee in the waiting room of the IF clinic. Fair enough, he could have been an IVF baby and mum is here for number two, or maybe she was watching him for a friend, but please, have the decency to think that taking a baby into an infertility clinic is NOT going to go down very well. Especially when said baby is toddling around the room showing all the couple his "ca" (I think he means car) and grabbing onto the legs of the people waiting for blood tests and egg collection, or even worst, the confirmation of a failed treatment cycle.

Luckily he didn't approach me with his car, as I had genuinely planned to get up and walk to the other waiting room down the corridor.


I planned to go back into work this morning, couldn't face it. Luckily, my manager has also recently experienced a failed IVF cycle and she is very understanding and told me to take what time I needed. Still, Fridays are quiet in the office so tomorrow will be a good day to go back and get into the swing of things. An added bonus is it is then a three day weekend over in England for the bank holiday, so I don't have to suffer a Monday.


  1. 1. Preggo = Fucktard
    2. WORST thing ever, bringing a child in. I don't know why all clinics don't have a policy of no children. I know there are emergencies but I sure as hell am lining something up.

    Stay home and try to recuperate and get ready for number 2. We're coming along for the ride.


  2. Pregnancy brain doesn't make you that ignorant! Stupid cow!

    I would think even if the child is the result of an IVF, the mother would have enough sense not to tow him along. Unless they're seeing the pedi, I don't think children need to accompany parents' to a doctor appointment.

    We'll certainly be tagging along (virtually) for the next one.

  3. So soory hun :-( sending big hugs xx
