This week is destroying me!
Yesterday I was negative Nellie all morning and then, at around 4pm I felt the familiar sensation of cramps. Not full blown AF type cramps, but mine are horrendously bad, they were more like pre-AF cramps - the type I class as warning cramps which usually signal I need pain relief now, otherwise it is too late. Along with these came the usual warm tummy sensation I get with AF.
I was SO excited I was feeling something that I almost wanted to punch the air! I have never been happier to feel cramps! In bed at 9.30ish I had a very buzz are 'lightning' strike type pain in my stomach. It starting at the bottom of my abdomen and spread upwards - like a lightning strike. It couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds but it was weird.
So yesterday I let myself feel a little positive. 2dp5dt, cramps, it was all looking promising.
Then I woke up this morning and my cramps have gone. I missed them. And now I'm back to being negative nelly. I want my cramps back dammit!!!
Piss on it, test Sunday!!!