Thursday, 19 June 2014

6 weeks?!?

Did I really just type that?!


The wait from freshly pregnant 4 weeks to 5 weeks seemed like an eternity, but I can't believe as turned 6 weeks pregnant today!!

Tiredness and very sore boobs still my two main symptoms, starting to feel a little under the weather throughout the mornings but I wouldn't class it as m/s.

Moment of truth is tomorrow at 11am - please let there be a little heart beating away. Please.

Edit: I'm adding hunger to my list. But a very specific hunger that strikes as soon as I wake up in the morning. I seem to be so hungry first thing that I wake up with a growling tummy...


  1. Wait til the cravings kick in!

  2. Best of luck for tomorrow, will eagerly await your update
