Thursday, 5 June 2014

Beta #1 is in

Went for the dreaded blood test this morning after last nights digi allowed me to have the best nights sleep in a long time.

When we arrived it was one of our favourite nurses, Julie, who called us through. She was there for both of our transfers so she knows us well/me intimately.

She asked if we had tested and said her congratulations, then explained that the magic number they like to see at 9dp5dt is 75+. If its 75 or below they request patients come back 2 days later to see if HCG is increasing, but if its 75+ they no longer request patients do another beta. The consultants at the clinic think it is unnecessary and caused un-needed stress, and a level of 75+ shows a great starting point with not much call for worry. Their research shows betas of 100+ have an 80% chance of becoming full-term, healthy pregnancies. SOOOOO if you get a beta of 75+ they book you in for your first scan at 6-7weeks to see whats going on and hopefully hear a heart beat.

Our is 94!!!!!

The first time I've cried is when I got off the phone from the clinic. The relief is unbelievable.

June 20th is our first scan.

This is absolutely surreal.


  1. Xx. Yeah, it's craziness at first. You have a range of emotions, that make you feel like a nutter!

  2. It's crazy isn't it? Enjoy it! :) have some grape juice tonight and celebrate.

  3. Awesome numbers congrats. Is it sinking in yet?


  4. Just stumbled upon this... Congratulations!

    I hope you have an amazing pregnancy.

