Sunday, 8 June 2014

Goodnight Ritual

For the past 5 nights when we've crawled into bed (at an unreasonably early hour as I'm exhausted by 9am and napping during the day) we've taken to looking at each other and saying "we've made it another day". Then Martin kisses my belly (or sometimes my pubic bone but I don't have the heart to tell him) and say "keep growing, be healthy". Only then will be go to sleep.

I have a long weekend this coming weekend as we're going to a music festival - yeah you read that right. In my defence the tickets were booked in November. I'm excited to go and it'll take my mind off of it for the weekend, I have an irrational fear that the music will somehow vibrate baby out, but apart from that I'm not too worried. We're there for 3 days but have a lovely hotel booked for each night, plan on going back when tired, getting a good nights sleep and breakfast before heading back to the festival site, we're going to drive in every day, stay at the back of the big crowds and sit in the sun and relax where possible.

Let's hope at 5w2d pregnant nausea doesn't decide to make an appearance! I don't really relish the thought of spending longer than needed in a festival toilet...


  1. Oh dear god, is it those portable loos? Just one look at those things makes me want to wrench, let along using it! Perhaps bring a Tesco bag to puke in? That way you avoid those as much as possible.

  2. That's not an irrational fear! I was afraid I'd poop mine out! I held it for at least a day after transfer, if not more.
