Sunday, 2 June 2013

Can't get my head straight :(

I've got my appointment through with the gastro specialist on June 17th, five days after mock egg transfer. I'm determined to NOT have any surgery, Im not having any symptoms, I'm living pain free, after the antibiotics I've been eating a livin just fine, and the bottom line is I don't WANT to have surgery at 25 without looking at other options. I might get a slight 'niggle' in my back/abdomen a few times a month but NOTHING compared to when I had ulcers.

I've asked dr google and if you have gallbladder surgery IVF and any TTC activities can be put on hold for up to 6 months. After all this waiting, do we want to take time out for something that isn't causing me any problems? Alternatively I can completely understand why doctors would be looking at me in a negative light for thinking this way, but after I suffered from ulcers and gastritis for 18months solid, I now feel AMAZING!

On the other hand the IVF could fail and we sould have put everythig webe wanted for ao long on hold for huhe disappointment, but if it does fail then we can think about doing the surgery after July, I really think we would welcome a break after going through something so emotionally and psychologically draining and destroying as a failed IVF.

I don't know what I'm thinking or feeling. I'm terrified something is going to happen to fuck up our first true shot at having IVF. I know I keep saying this but I feel great!

So stressed and worried to the point of just wanting to burst into tears thinking about it, doesn't help that after wishing AF would hold out, she's now 5 days late and no signs she's goings to show up any time soon.

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