Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The beginning

We finally had our appointment with the IVF nurse today to go through the procedure, the forms and medications.

A lot happened, we were in there for 2 hours. She was amazingly nice and answered every one of our questions (even the stupid ones!) and practised injections with me. It felt very strange to me to be handling syringes, especially the large ones used for mixing the solutions. Prior to fertility investigations I was as petrified of needles as I was of dentists (they probably go hand in hand!) and it once took my teacher and 2 friends to hold me down to have my meningitis immunisation (I'm sure that would be in the papers these days?!)

She have me two small needles to practise with at home prior to the meds starting - I just jump out of the shower and did it. Pinched an inch, did the injection (well put the needle in, but you get what I mean)

This is a huge deal to me that I could do this, I'm so proud of myself. I am officially classing this as the start of our IVF, and it will be shown by the discarded syringe in our brand new accessory, the sharps box.

There is the small matter of me staying firm with the surgeon on Monday and putting a hold on surgery until after this round of IVF. Still feeling great, still don't want to be sliced open. 


  1. YAY!!!!!!!! Doesn't it feel real now?

    Needles will be nothing by the time you're successful with IVF.

    Soooo exciting!!!

  2. Those look like tiny needles! I'm not a fan of the large long ones either. You'll be a professional in no time. Idk why but I think the little sharp needles box is so cute! Lol.
