Tuesday, 11 June 2013

It will get better soon, right?

List of things to add to this weeks list of shite;

I am petrified of the dentist, so scared I threw up twice waiting for my appointment. I had to be led into the room by the nurse and coaxed into the chair whilst sobbing uncontrollably.

I have to have one tooth removed in 10 days time.

I don't think I can live for the next 10 days knowing its coming up - I'd rather loose a limb.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You do know I'm already loosing sleep and having panic attacks over this, I need words of encouragement, even fake ones will do!

  3. I'm sorry Jax, but as a Registered Dental Nurse, I absolutely disagree! Why would we continue to use local anaesthetics if they are a 'joke'
    Comments like this are extremely unhelpful, especially as you say, you've never lost a tooth yourself, so I don't understand why you are trying to put the fear of god into someone already terrified!
    Dental phobia is as real as a phobia gets, so no need for scare stories.

    Steph - Do not worry, ask for the sedation, if nothing else, you will be too busy laughing on the gas to worry about anything!
    To ease your fear about the Local now, no dentist will ever start a dental procedure without checking the surrounding area of treatment to make sure you are fully anaethatised!
    You know where I am if you need to chat!

  4. Oh my lovely darling Jax, you are going to be that awesome preggo who's like, MORE DRUGS, I CAN FEEL IT ALL, DAMMIT! MORE DRUGS!!!!


    Or you'll just squirt that bub out like butter. One or the other.
