Wednesday, 5 June 2013

damn you AF!

I am now on CD...erm....38 of my usually 31 day cycle and no AF. No sign of AF at all, obviously no positive pregnancy test either (don't be silly!) so who knows what's going on! I was SURE she was going to start yesterday morning as I had cramps, but nothing, now I don't even have cramps! What the hell!? This is highly unusual, I have had ONE cycle that lasted an extra 10 days around 7 months ago, but ever since then she's been like clockwork, obviously because I was her to come she wont. The bitch.

My mock ET is scheduled for in a weeks time, if she doesn't arrive today or tomorrow (possibly Friday at a push) I might have to reschedule it as I won't have stopped bleeding before the 12th. Great! Gah. Can anything else go wrong this month? Its definitely not stress, trust me I've been much more stressed in my life and AF has never altered, I always thought she was unshakable!!

 Good news is on the gallbladder front I have spoken to a doctor friend and they said that depending on my ultrasound the specialist may try and push me for surgery because it's the 'easy option' but with having no attacks they don't see why surgery would be needed, and they can't MAKE me have surgery just to make it easier for them. As long as I know I have a slight increased risk of having gallstone attacked during pregnancy (but so do 20-30% of pregnancy woman) then that should be fine. So that's that decided. Part of me was even going to call the hospital yesterday and re-schedule my specialist appointment for after IVF to stop any un-needed worry or stress, but I feel better now.

Can everything send nasty vibes to the lining of my womb to make it want to come out, please?? While you're at it, everyone send HUGE positive thoughts to my friend Jess, whose having her egg transfer today. Thinking of you!!



  1. Lol. I'll mentally give AF a kick in the smug mouth. And I'll toss the margarita she's having at the club on her dress (she looks like a cheap slag anyways). Although I do apologize if she comes out all hurtful this mouth. Xx

  2. I fear that after being in there an extra week shes going to be all hurtful this month anyway, eeek! Haha thanks, I think i did feel my uterus slightly tremble when I read that! x

  3. Come on out AF! I'm mentally grasping the lining with my fake pointy nails and scratching and clawing it down. What a pretty picture!


    Poo, I hope it comes soon! I'm so excited for you to start!
