Friday, 14 February 2014

All expenses paid trip, with private en suite and view overlooking the city

Happy Valentines!! Guess where I am on this, the most romantic day of the year?? In my bed on the gynaecology ward of the hospital... The titles correct though, I DO have a private room and I'm 7 floors up so can see a lot of the city. My nausea took on a whole new life yesterday and became vomiting and feeling like death. For the first time in my adult life I didn't make it to the toilet. The poor bathroom floor, and the cat, we're sadly vomited on. Sigh. Called the clinic and they asked me to go straight to the hospital, I feel a bit of a fraud, I do feel very crappy and my ovaries are very sore, but I'm not showing any characteristics of severe OHSS. In for careful monitoring of my fluids and regular measuring of my tummy. How romantic!


  1. I'm glad you're not suffering at home. Get better and let your body heal.


    And that poor cat, lol. Did he eat the vomit? ;)

  2. Shouldn't you be getting a private reserved room at the hospital with your own staff, or at the very least a punch card? Get some rest and keep us updated on your health status. I'm curious as to what the doctor or PA will say.

    Oh dear, which cat got it?
