Monday, 10 February 2014

embie update

Had an early morning call from the lab this morning with news on our little embies. We sadly lost one over night, but we have 11 embryos that are dividing away and 8 of those are currently top quality. What a huge relief. I went for my OHSS check up this morning, a whole blood screen to see whats going on. I am a little more tender today than I was yesterday and reaching for the paracetamol more often. But I haven't gained any weight and I'm still peeing up a storm so fingers crossed my bloods will show this. If my bloods come back OK we'll be going for a 5 day transfer on Thursday, if something in my bloods is off we'll do a freeze all and FET next month. Watch this space I guess.

1 comment:

  1. 8 top quality?! Dude, I envy your ovaries, lol. That's awesome!
