Thursday, 6 February 2014

Results are in...

My oestrogen levels are in the normal range! So far no planned freeze and IVF to go ahead as planned. Obviously not all of the 40 follicles were mature, think I glanced at around 10 she had logged on the screen as being 18mm+. Hopefully the small ones will wither away and leave the juicy ones. Trigger at 10.45pm this evening (way past my bed time!) and go in for egg collection at 8am Saturday morning for my procedure at 10.45am. I'm terrified. My doctor on Saturday is Dr.Skull which cheered me up.... Send me luck!!!


  1. Woohoo!

    Dude, it's totally happening! Crossing my fingers for you. :)

  2. Good luck. I have everything crossed for you.

    Bex x

  3. Brilliant name! 10 follies out of 40 sounds promising!
