Friday, 7 February 2014

Jeez Louise

12 hours post trigger and 24 hours before egg collection. I often walk around the house in my underwear when I'm alone, nothing wrong with that. There is a huge mirror in our bedroom that sits across from the door so you can see yourself when you walk in. Today I walked from the bathroom to the bedroom to get dressed, and audibly gasped to myself at the size of my tummy.
This may be the only time in my life I actually look pregnant. So far no pain, no nausea, no weight gain (in fact, according to my scales I've slightly lost weight) and generally feeling good. Drinking lots of isotonic water (Thanks KK!) and eating lots of protein to try and keep OHSS at bay.

1 comment:

  1. Nice panties!

    Hmmm, that's not constructive. so keep downing the electrolytes! Enjoy tonight. Deep breaths. Tomorrow will be great.
