Tuesday, 11 February 2014

so close...

So close and yet so far. My bloods are improving, but embryology have decided they want to do a freeze all. They're going to leave our four remaining embies until day 5 and see how many blasts we have, then freeze them. In the meantime I have to travel 35 miles at 6.45 every morning for a blood tests. Doesn't feel like there is any point anymore. I'm not dying, I know what to look out for, you're freezing my babies, so why the daily bloods?! Urgh. I was expecting it, but currently heart broken and pissed off with the world. I just hope our babies make it through the thaw :( Edit: first FET appointment we can get is 26th March and we start the cycle after that. Since they've told me to expect AF I'm around 5-10 days from now, my next AF will be around mid-march...so we'll actually be looking at starting mid to late April, which means we could potentially not get to do our FET until MAY. So fucking sick of this


  1. I'm so sorry Steph. :( Nothing I say will make things better. Take care of yourself and make a nice home for those embryos.

  2. Mm, I'm guessing they want to give you a chance to recover from OHSS. Although the dehydration is puzzling, unless you have had diarrhea.
