Monday, 17 February 2014

How do we act now?

I'm out of hospital and back home, feeling much better and will be going back to work tomorrow and back to normal life as we know it. Getting up at 6am, arriving at the office at 8.30, working through lunch, coming home, meeting my husband with a kiss at the train station, eating tea then watching TV for a few hours before collapsing into bed and repeating the next day. But now we do all this with seven snowflakes being kept in a lab 35miles away just waiting...just sitting there. My babies (well, you know) just sitting there. I feel like I should have some sort of pass or special Tshirt to wear about my babies in the freezer. If I was 2 weeks pregnant people would gush and discuss how my body is changing and names and silly old wives tales...but when your embryos are fertilised and sitting in a hospital embryology lab, you don't get any special treatment. I feel like a mummy to these little snowflakes, but I'm not, or an I?! I don't know. This is a weird limbo that I've never thought about before.


  1. I am not sure there is a "normal" way to feel, i've not experienced it but I can imagine i would feel like you. I get where your co i g from and was trying to explain to one if the girls at work today that if you had frozen embies yoy would feel like they were your babies. I guess they are the tangible promise of things to come.

    Bex x

  2. I see what you're saying. People say life starts at the fetus (and it has human rights) but I beg to differ. I believe it also starts with a zygote. After all babies are in the embryo stage for 8 weeks!
