Tuesday, 11 February 2014

I'm becoming increasingly convinced my life is the Truman show

As requested, we attending the clinic for more repeat blood tests this morning. Although we were fourth in the queue (and that was arriving at 7.30am, 30 minutes before the clinic opened) they took us into the nurses room almost straight away. It turns out my blood wasn't just a little bit thick, it came back as so dehydrated they've given me sexy anti-embolism stockings to wear all week and are keeping a close eye on todays results. My blood was taken and we had a chat with the nurse (we love the nurses) who asked me if I was off work and to not to any heavy lifting, quick movements or cleaning as I'm at risk of 'twisting an ovary' (ouch!). After bloods were taken we then saw the consultant, who I'd never seen before but was also very pleasant. He wanted to scan my tummy so he could see what was going on. First he tried to have a feel of my abdomen, but I couldn't stand him pushing on me because of the tenderness, so we went straight to the ultrasound. My ovaries are currently the size of melons (I'd go with honeydew, not water) and sitting under my ribs...which points towards moderate to severe OHSS. However, I don't have any fluid collecting in my abdomen which should accompany this. So it's a bit of a head scratcher. My bloods are showing moderate/severe OHSS, but I'm drinking, my wee is clear and high in volume, but my ovaries just carry on growing. Apart from bloating and very tender abdomen I feel fine....?! They've signed me off work for the next 7 days anyway, which I was also quite surprised about as I was planning on going in tomorrow. The doctor wants to look at my bloods from today and explained that currently for some reason all the fluid i'm drinking is just not getting into my actual blood and tissue, but it's not collecting either...so who knows where it's going. If my results don't show a marked improvement today I will be admitted to hospital for 24hours on IV fluids. We then had to wait to see embryology. My little babies are still growing well, we still have 8 top grade embies with another 3 still dividing at a slower rate. Because of the number we have, they recommended that they take 4 of the top grade embies and freeze them today, leaving the other 4 dividing until they know more about my health. If my bloods come back OK, there is still the possibility for fresh ET on Thursday, if they don't they think they'll take the other 4 until day 5 and then freeze them. That would leave us with four day 3 frosties and 4 day 5 frosties for our FET next month. Deep down I think we're going down the path of FET, I'm ok with that today. I want my body to be the best possible environment for that little one when it gets put back into me, if that means waiting 3-4 more weeks than so be it. On out way home from the hospital it started snowing, the first snow we've had this year. First snow on the day we're freezing our babies...I don't usually look for symbolism in anything but this made me smile. I may be writing my next entry from my hospital bed.

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