Tuesday, 22 April 2014


For the last 86 minutes we have been PUPO. Transfer went SO much better than expected. No clamps needed, just a bit of pushing and a swap for a longer speculum and she was in. Then we got to watch them out little Pingu in, nice a bright on the screen. Very strange. We still don't know much more about quality etc...just that he/she is not quite blast yet, but would be if they had another few hours to grow. Hopefully they'll continue doing so now they're nestled in downstairs. So far no spotting, slight cramping but nothing to write home about. Now to relax at home and wait. OTD May 1st!
Our little early blast


  1. Official test day is May 1st, but when can we really start testing?!!! I can't wait that long. *Stamps feet*

  2. Aaaahhh! I'm with Jax! I can't wait that long!
