Sunday, 13 April 2014

Spoke too soon....

At our appointment on Wednesday my follie was only measuring 10mm, the doctor said it should grow around 2mm a day so come back in on Saturday and it should hopefully be around 15-16, which would make ovulation Monday and 5dt Friday. So off we went yesterday, hopped onto the bed, legs in the air waiting to see what this little follie was up to. Well, it was now only measuring 13mm, so a little on the small side and still had some growing to do, frustrating, but back on Monday. I was getting dressed when it dawned on me that ovulation day would very, very likely be Tuesday. This would make day 5 transfer a Sunday, the only day of the week the clinic is closed, which would mean our FET would be cancelled and we'd have to try again next month. Seriously?! Nine months of treatments, two cancelled IVF cycles and now a possible cancelled FET? We're on our third treatment cycle and so far haven't made it more than half way with any of them. Needless to say I spent yesterday crying, screaming and generally hating the world. There zero way of knowing how big this follie will have grown by tomorrow, couples with the fact that they also don't know how big my body lets them get before starting my LH surge. It can be anywhere between 18-28mm. But I know my body and I always ovulate on day 17 (Tuesday) please keep your fingers crossed that this month will be different, and we'll actually make it through one cycle without cancellation.


  1. Hun that sux. I hope the follie behaves itself! Best of luck x

  2. I would think they should still take it. A small follie isn't necessarily a bad one.

  3. I agree with Jax. I would think they'd take it. Fingers and toes crossed for ya.

  4. They're not taking anything my dears, just tracking natural ovulation so they know when to slip our frostie back in. Until today it looked like tomorrow was ov day, which would make day 5 a Sunday when the clinic are closed so no transfer possible. It's a slow grower, so we're safe!
