Tuesday, 5 February 2013

"A womens perfume tells more about her than her handwriting"

Thats probably a good job, because as the years go on, my handwriting gets gradually less and less legible and more scrawly.

When I was younger I took great pride in my handwriting. As a teacher the pride in my handwriting was gradually overtaken by my love of getting comments written quickly and forms filled quickly, it has therefore become the scrawled mess you see above.

In other (related) news, my favorite childhood band are back. Yes yes I know I should be a grown up by now but music is my entire life. Honestly. 

I am 100% positive I would rather loose my sight than my hearing because I couldn't cope without hearing music, it starts the minute I wake up and my CD player plays as my alarm, until I leave the house, then it's my iPod until I get into work, iTunes while I'm at work, and CDs when I get home. I think gigs are the only think I may have spent more money on in my life than fertility treatments. 

I love music, it is my world, it's in everything I do. Every single one of my tattoos is something musically inspired and I have quite an eclectic taste. Everything from Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Guns and Roses and Led Zeppelin to my teenage nu metal bands of Limb Bizkit, Linkin Park, Black Stone Cherry etc.... OK it's not everyones taste in music but its mine. One thing I can't stand it lack of acceptance to other peoples musical preferences. I like rock, metal, nu metal, country rock, stoner rock etc... and enjoy some commercial stuff. I do not judge anyone who likes dance, country, pop, hip hop, R&B or any other genre, ears like what they like. 

When I was 14 (argh, 14!) I bought an album on the recommendation of a friend called Take This to Your Grave, it was a very teenage esque guitar riffs and drum beats angst ridden CD that I feel in love with immediately. I have loved it ever since (It got me through some of my worst breakups!) My little sister is 7 years younger than me, and we shared a bedroom growing up. She had to put up with me playing this on constant repeat for days if not months, so naturally grew up with the same taste in music as me. 

We bonded over this group, I took her to her first gig to see this band, we've jumped up and down with excitment about this band and spent hours on the phone taking about their music, the gigs and recent news. It might sound sad to people reading this that we developed such a strong bond over Fall Out Boy, but to be frank I couldn't give less of a shit. My family is no longer a family, we were split down the middle around 4 years ago  due to an issues im not even going to begin to go into, yeas of not speaking, angry exchanges, tears, arguments, ruined birthdays and christmases have now gone out of the window because of something as simple as music. 

Due to this band, this silly little music group some of you may think, me and my little sister have spoken for the first time in 4 years. Are meeting up for the first time in 4 years, and she's meeting my husband for the first time. All because of a band. 

If you think music isn't important..I beg to differ. 

S x


  1. We have so many commonalities!!! I saw Fall Out Boy when they first started out many moons ago at a show in Illinois. I thought they were fab, then of course they blew up from there.

    The alternative genre is what I like to listen as well.

  2. One more thing, when you put on those earphones and drown out the world around you (crying children, people unintentionally sharing their mobile conversation with you) you're transferred into maybe another realm. The punk alternative music swirling around you, the release of stress, and worries from that day....you're almost free and fearless. Nothing else matters at that moment. You don't have to think, or even breathe.

  3. "One more thing, when you put on those earphones and drown out the world around you (crying children, people unintentionally sharing their mobile conversation with you) you're transferred into maybe another realm. The punk alternative music swirling around you, the release of stress, and worries from that day....you're almost free and fearless. Nothing else matters at that moment. You don't have to think, or even breathe."

    That is a PERFECT way to explain how I feel when I'm constantly connected to the iPod!!

    Its so weird that you find you have so much in common with people who live thousands of miles apart, but are pretty much going through the same thing! xx
