See if you find out anything about me you didn't already know! Saw this on a friends blog and I'm bored, forgive me!
Name? Stephanie
Current Location? Holmfirth
Starting Weight? 10 stone 1 pound or 141 pounds. (urgh)
Goal Weight? 9 stone and 8 pounds or 134 pounds.
When do you want to reach your goal by: When I can. I've lost 20lbs over the last few months, I think i can afford to slow down a little now.
When is your birthday? April 28th
Eye Color? Brown
Hair Color? Natural - dark brown. Currently - red
Height? 5 foot 2 and a bit. Often rounded up to 5 foot 3.
Piercings or tattoos? Yes and Yes. Belly button, nipple and ear stretchers reamining. Lip and septum removed a while ago. 4 Tattoos - Music on wrist, music on ankle, deathbat on nape of neck and drunken mistake I don't remember on left shoulder
Single or taken:? Married to my lovely scruff bag
Right Handed or Left Handed? Right handed
Any pets? My boys - Two cats Colin and Travis and two geckos Zimba and Ardo (extra points if anyone makes the connection)
Your greatest strength? Surviving and living infertility and still managing to smile
Your Weakness? Apart from the obvious baby related stuff - CHEESE
Favorite color? Puprle
Favorite flower? Lily
5 favorite movies: Jurassic Park, From Dusk til Dawn, Bad Boys, Shutter Island and Girl, Interrupted.
1 Movie you're ashamed of liking: High School Musical
Favorite holiday? My honeymoon in Spain
Favorite physical feature on yourself? Boobs. Im not going to lie.
Your favorite pizza toppings? Mozzarella and more mozzarella
Favorite guilty pleasure? Crappy reality TV, Teen Mom, Real Housewives etc..
Favorite place to eat a romantic dinner? My house
Favorite season? Winter
Your favorite food? Mexican
Favorite Ice cream flavor? Vanilla
Favorite subject(s) in school? Psychology and geology/geography
Favorite candy? Wine Gums or sports Mixture
Favorite breakfast cereal? I love cinnamon Grahams, but diet means Wheatabix
Favorite person in your life? My husband
Favorite book of all time? Is it cliched if I say Harry Potter?
Favorite song? Of all time?! errmm... All Along the Watch Tower, Jimi Hendrix
Favorite place to be? Home, is that sad?
Favorite fast food restaurant? Local pizza place make the BEST pizzas. There or Las Iguanas
What is your favorite part of your life right now? My marriage
Favorite TV shows? Too many to name. Breaking Bad, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, Its always sunny in philadelphia
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
Alcoholic or non? Depends. Im not a huge drinker. Midweek I'll happily swap a vodka for a hot chocolate
Scary movies or comedies? Scary movies. But I appear to be becoming more of a scardy cat as i get older.
Short or long hair? Short hair on me, long hair on men.
Croutons or bacon bits? Oh tough! Bacon bits
Beach or lake? Beach
Single or Group Dates? Single - Im appearing very unsociable throughout this.
Pepsi or Coke: Neither. Hate them, make my teeth feel fuzzy. Lemonade every time.
Starbucks or elsewhere? Cafe Nero
Dogs or cats? CATS!
Do you smoke? No...
Do you sing? Not infront of people, they would cry
Do you want to get married? I am married, and yes, although I didn't until I met Martin. Again, Im coming across very soppy and old before my years here. DILLIGAF?
Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes.
Do you get along with your parents? Love my Dad to pieces
Do you want children? No..I'm just doing this for the laughs
Do you drink? Not really, sometimes I like a vodka and lemonade.
Do you like to travel by plane? I LOVE planes.
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning? No, I rarely see Saturday mornings.
Do you have a teddy bear? I have a stuffed animal zoo in my spare room, collected from zoos, aquariums and animal centres we've visited through the years.
Do you like thunderstorms? Love them, I get all giddy like a small child
Do you play an instrument? Guitar. I use the term play loosely.
Do you consider yourself a party person or more apt to stay at home? Stay at home mostly, but I do enjoy gathering with my friends. Not huge events with strangers though
Have you ever fired a gun? No, terrified of guns. Scariest part of living in the US for a while.
Have you ever loved someone? Of course
Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? yes.
Have you ever cried for no reason? Yes, thanks Clomid
Have you ever cut your own hair? Once when I was a child, my Mum was so upset she cried. Never again
Have you ever skipped school? No. Honestly. Im such a geek.
Have you ever bungee jumped? Never could, I think I would die before throwing myself off a tall building attached to an elastic band
Have you ever punched someone? yes, but she deserved it.
List your top fears: My family always being a unit of 2. Moths, butterflies and dentists.
What bill do you hate paying the most? TV License - Really my American friends, we need to buy a licence to watch TV!
What did you want to be when you were growing up? Ha, a forensic pathologist. I wanted to cut bodies up to see why they died. I was a lovely child and teenager, honest. Just fascinated by science.
What errand/chore do you despise? General 'tidying' and cleaning the kitchen. My OCD means I tidy the house every day.
A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing? Im infertile. I have a heart defect, I secretly fancy Hugh Laurie
What do you get every time you go into a Wal-Mart? Milk, bread, eggs, low fat everything
What Hollywood star do you think resembles you best? non. I have a very non-descript face.
What famous person dead or alive would you like to have dinner with? Dead - Jimmy Sullivan. Alive - Bradley Cooper. Oooh
How do you want to die? Happy in my sleep. Or something really dramatic
What do you want to achieve in life? Become a Mum, just once will do. Complete my PhD. Be collecting my pension with my husband.
Your most missed memory? High school summer evenings with friends. University years 1 and 2.
What books are you reading (if any)? Andy Murrays autobiography. Its actually really funny.
Do you cheer for the bad guy? Of course, I love Dexter.
What do you want when you are sick? Sports Mixture and sweet things
Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth? In a tent in a field?
What country would you most like to visit? Japan
How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 very fluffed up duck down pillows. Nothing less will do!
This has made me realise how very dull I am!
S x
I thought we were made for each other between loving Dexter and Harry Potter but then you had to go bring in cats....sadly, it just wouldn't work.
Sorry Jess, I never meant to disappoint! We'll always have Dexter...