Thursday, 28 February 2013

I'm a big moany moan bag

All I seem to be doing lately is moaning and moaning and feeling sorry for myself, I HATE it!

The magical practise manager at the GP has been brilliant, and after speaking with her on the phone last week about lack of appointments, she called me on Monday to say she had some good news, she had been chasing up my case with the hospitals and managed to get me an appointment with a gastroenterologist on march 11th! Hurrah! I could have kissed her! It will have still been 3 months since the trouble started, but there is light at the end of the tunnel! Moan? - got the appointment letter through and it is just that, an appointment. No endoscopy or ultrasound to be carried out, I'm grateful for the appointment, but I know full well it will be another 6 weeks for a endoscopy appointment, therefore no diagnosis just yet. Unless I get a magical doctor?!

I would gladly have the majority if my stomach cut out at this present moment in time. I've reached a whole new low of not eating for 4 days because anything I ingest makes me cry in pain. Last night I ate two sweets and that kept me awake until 4am. I love sweets!!! So I've taken the day off today because I'm a physical wreck.

I feel needy and cuddly and need looking after and Martin is obviously at work, so I'm even more pathetic without him here :(

Good news? I had my cardiologist appointment on Monday and officially got the green light for IUI! Finally! So I get to call my FS next Monday and have a consultation over the phone and we should be  on the way to IUI. We did want to start in march, but with my stomach problems it's going to be April now. Sigh. Always something.

To be honest, when we looked at dates my April AF is due on April 26th. It's my Birthday on April 28th and we've booked a weekend away in the Lake District to celebrate. If we did do IuI in March we would find out if it was auccessful or, more likely failed two days before my birthday and the day we leave for our weekend away. I think waiting an extra month will at least give us another month in ignorance before the tears, taking HPTs and emotional breakdowns start.

I'm still plodding on.

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