6.30am Gonal-F injection this morning and I'm already feeling like a pro. The injection did sting a little more this morning than yesterdays, but nothing bad at all.
So far I don't think I've had any side effects, if anything I feel really good??!! I've been weeing a lot, but that's probably down to the litres and litres of water Martin is making me drink. No bruising at all, no nothing. I feel like I should be feeling more??
I found out that it was my Antral Follicular count that was given on Saturday morning, I feel like I should have known that before hand! (dur) anyway, as I had 12 follicles on my right, and just as many, if not more on my left (she couldn't count) I am going to estimate a nice round Antral Follicular count of around 24.
This is a really good number (according to the medical boffins) and means I am likely to respond well to the medications, if not be slightly on the verge of needing to be monitored for OHSS. I also found this information out yesterday
And although I'm trying to not get excited or my hopes up for anything, as nothing is certain, it did make me feel a little more positive.
My high antral follicular count with my high AMH means we should get some top quality embryos - SHOULD being the operative word.
2 days down, 26 to go.
Ooh and lots to freeze! Yay!