Wednesday, 17 July 2013

CD6 - IVF Day 4

I'm running out of my prime fat spots on my tummy for the injections. This mornings stung a lot more than the others, still no bruising though. The nurse suggested we use one side of my stomach for the gonal-f and the other side for the cetrotide, that way if I have a reaction to one I know which one it is. So this means Martin has been playing Nurse Briggs and has banned me from using the prime fat real estate on the right hand side of my tummy, as this is only reserved for cetrotide.

So far side effects have been slim to non. No bruising or soreness around injection sites and no real problems with comfort. I do, however, have a nasty banging headache this morning which won't shift and I feel exhausted, so this could be the first signs of the drug. I am getting slight twinges and pains in my ovary region in the evenings, but that's to be expected, I'm being harvested and I expect it to get worse as the injections go on.

If anything I feel more calm and relaxed on the gonal-f than I usually do, I seem to be in a good mood and feel good, I have read some woman report the same thing, or it could be psychological, who knows! Martin did tell me yesterday that I had a 'mood swing' on Monday evening as I was feeling clingy, and I was upset he was going out for the evening with a friend. Normally I would have thrown him the daggers for pulling me up on my moods, but I didn't feel the need to. (...I know you're reading this! Don't be mean to me and my mood swings...)

I do feel more squidgy than usual in the ovary region, however Martin claims he can't see any difference in my shape. However that could have something to do with me asking him whilst top-less, so his main focus was not at my growing uterine area!

Cetrotide begins tomorrow, so hoping these injections go just as well as the gonal-f have been. I've been told these can sting a lot more and irritate the skin quite a bit, so loose dresses it is, which isn't too bad when its 30c out!

While I'm on the subject of my lovely husband, as much as I like to tease him and throw insults his way (meant with all the love in the world!) he has been brilliant these past few days, he really has. He's determined to be apart of the IVF and gets up every morning and prepared my injections for me downstairs while I'm usually trying to drag myself out of bed. He regularly asks how I'm feeling and asks what he can do for me, and is generally being the best nurse I could ask for, he even gave my ovaries a good prep talk last night and I believe the sentence "Soon you'll see a tadpole looking thing come close to you, let it in" was uttered.

This means even more to be as we lost his beloved Grandad on Friday who Martin adored, yet despite all the grief and upset he's going through, he continues to be my big strong husband and has been amazing so far. This is how I know that one day, who knows when, he'll not only be an amazing husband but and amazing dad as well.

I know you read my blog, and I love you.



  1. Awww, so proud of Nurse Briggs! I'm also very proud of you for handling this IVF with such ease. You're just so relaxed and keeping that anxiety at bay. Well done!

  2. Loving the support! It ain't the easiest thing in the world, that's for sure. Nurse Briggs....I like it Jax!
