Tuesday, 16 July 2013

CD5 -IVF day 3

Usual 6.30am gonal-f injection complete!

Slightly worried about my AF and thick lining. Humph. When we were scanned on Saturday the nurse noticed my lining was a bit thicker than she would have liked, but my bloods must have been fine for me to begin gonal-f. Well since starting gonal-f on Sunday, AF has pretty much stopped?! Slight spotting, but barely enough to need to use protection. So all in all it would be 3 days of bleeding and then just spotting...

Obviously I know my bloods were fine so there can't have been anything wrong, but if my lining was thick, where the hell has it gone?! I had my mock EC on CD10 last month and my lining was perfect (I saw it with my own eyes
!) so who knows....

Wait until Saturday for the dreaded second scan!


  1. Wouldn't they want the lining to be thick for embryo attachment?

    1. Yeah, ideally it would be nice and thick for ET, but apparently they don't like it too thick at the start of a cycle?! Beats me!

  2. Don't trust anything or read into anything while on IVF drugs. Trust me on this. Just go with it. I also had an oddly short period with both my fresh and frozen cycle.
